Pizzerie Eccellenti 2021
Saulle Re
Si arriva e comodamente si parcheggia in questa storica pizzeria. All’interno campeggia un grande forno a legna piastrellato, poi si nota un lungo bancone bar, recente, e il tradizionale angolo bottega di prodotti alimentari. Ambiente moderno, pulito e piacevole; semplice ma curata mise en place. Molta cucina e grande affabilità: spiegano, raccontano, sono orgogliosi dei riconoscimenti ottenuti. Lunghe lievitazioni, lievito madre, digeribilità garantita, farine ricercate, tanti prodotti tipici campani e Dop; non manca attenzione anche alla Valle d’Aosta e ai suoi sapori. Buona scelta di vini e birre.
Upon arriving you will find parking comfortably for this historic pizzeria. Inside there is a large tiled wood-burning oven. Then you will notice a recently installed long bar counter, and lastly the traditional corner shop, where you can buy food products. The environment is modern, clean and pleasant. The table setting is simple but well-curated. There are many dishes from the cuisine. With great kindness, the staff will tell you about how proud they are of the awards they have obtained. The dough is left to leaven for long periods, and a sour-dough starter is used which guarantees digestibility. Refined flours are used as well as many typical Campania and DOP products. There is also no lack of attention to Valle d’Aosta and its flavors. There is a good selection of wine and beers.