Pizzerie Eccellenti 2020
Pedrocchino Pizza&Cakes
Una gran bella realtà. Questa la sintesi di un locale che, grazie al dinamismo del suo propietario, Walter Rampazzo, e’ in continua evoluzione, anche strutturale. Bello anche lo spazio esterno con piscina attorno alla quale, nella bella stagione si possono degustare le vere creazioni di questo pizzaiolo sprint. Si può iniziare con una leggera pizza fritta, poi la Girata, deliziosa ed unica per consistenza, una vera serendipity del mondo pizza, nata per errore, è pizza “signature “ del Pedrocchino. Un misto di pizza e calzone ripieno, tutta da provare. Buona selezione di birre e deliziosi anche i dolci.
This establishment is wonderful. This is the synthesis of this location. Thanks to its dynamic owner Walter Rampazzo, it is a place that is constantly evolving, also in the structural sense. The outdoor area is lovely. It has a swimming pool with surrounding seating in summer where you can taste the authentic creations of this “sprint” pizza chef. You can start by eating a light fried pizza, then continue with trying the Girata. It is delicious and unique for its consistency, a true serendipity of the pizza world. It was created by mistake and it has become Pedreocchino’s “signature pizza.” It is a cross between a pizza and a stuffed calzone that is truly worth trying. There is a good selection of beers and delicious desserts as well.